
Rezensionen juristischer Literatur

Access to Justice for the Chinese Consumer

Ling Zhou, Access to Justice for the Chinese Consumer, First Edition, 2020, C.H.Beck

Abbildung von Zhou | Access to Justice for the Chinese Consumer | 1. Auflage | 2020 | Volume 11 | beck-shop.de

Ling Zhou

Access to Justice for the Chinese Consumer

Handling Consumer Disputes in Contemporary China

Munich: C.H.Beck, 2020, XVI, 170 S., 70,00 Euro incl. VAT

In English

ISBN 978-3-406-75339-8

– In Gemeinschaft mit Hart Publishing, Oxford und Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, Baden-Baden –



Many goods from China are ordered via direct import from Europe and especially from Germany. The Chinese market has now become indispensable for the supply of a number of goods. Problems with customs and market surveillance may also arise. This fact alone makes a sanctions policy difficult. Economic relations have considerable relevance for numerous companies inEurope.

This primarily concerns the B2B sector – for example via Alibaba – but also increasingly the B2C sector. The platforms and suppliers involved almost exclusively choose the applicability of the law of the Republic of China, unless arbitration agreements excluding ordinary jurisdiction are usually made in the B2B area. This book deals with the rights of consumers in disputes with commercial enterprises from China. There has not been such a presentation before.

This book offers a socio-legal exploration of localised consumer complaint processing and dispute resolution in the People’s Republic of China – now the second largest consumer market in the world – and the experiences of both ordinary and ‚professional‘ consumers.

Drawing on detailed analysis of an impressive body of empirical data, this book highlights local Chinese understandings and practice styles of ‚mediation‘, and identifies in popular consciousness a continuing sense of reliance on the government for securing consumer rights in China. These are not only important features of consumer dispute processing in themselves, but also help to to explain why no ombudsman system has emerged. The text also provides a concise, very profound account of consumer law in China.
This innovative book looks at the nature of China’s distinctive dispute resolution and complaints system, issues within that system, and the experiences of consumers within it. The book illustrates the access to justice processes locally available to aggrieved consumers and provides a unique contribution to comparative consumer law studies in Asia and elsewhere.

The book analyses consumer dispute resolution practices in terms of various channels, including the handling of cases by the Consumer Council, the Courts, the media and online platforms. In China Mediation is the dominant type to handle conflicts with consumers. Normaly such communications are very friendly. However, the presentation also addresses professional buyers.

Anyone seeking information on the law governing consumer purchases in China will not be able to avoid this profound and very systematic work.

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