
Rezensionen juristischer Literatur

Regulatory Delivery

G. Russell/C. Hodges (eds.), Regulatory Delivery, 2019, C.H.Beck

Abbildung von Russell / Hodges | Regulatory Delivery | 1. Auflage | 2019 | beck-shop.de

Graham Russell / Christopher Hodges

Regulatory Delivery

introducing the Regulatory Delivery Model

A guide for those charged with implementing regulations who believe that outcomes of protection, prosperity and efficiency matter

Munich: C.H.Beck, 2019, XXIV, 479 S., 90,00 Euro incl. VAT

In English

ISBN 978-3-406-74843-1

– In Gemeinschaft mit Hart Publishing, Oxford und Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, Baden-Baden –


This ground-breaking book addresses the challenge of regulatory delivery, defined as the way that regulatory agencies operate in practice to achieve the intended outcomes of regulation. The concept comes predominantly from the UK and cannot be captured in a simple definition. Building on the wisdom of the 2005 Hampdon review and the innovative work of the Office of Product Safety and Standards and its predecessors, the UK has developed and applied enforcement strategies that deliver the most possible outcomes by achieving the highest possible levels of compliance, while keeping regulatory costs and administrative burdons as low as possible. Particularly in international tax law, as an example, the OECD, with its model regulations, has virtually invited its member states to adopt the legal texts at low cost.
Regulatory reform is moving beyond the design of regulation to address what good regulatory delivery looks like. The challenge in practice is to operate a regulatory regime that is both appropriate and effective. Questions of how regulations are received and applied by those whose behaviour they seek to control, and the way they are enforced, are vital in securing desired regulatory outcomes.

This book, written by and for practitioners of regulatory delivery, explains the Regulatory Delivery Model, developed by Graham Russell and his team at the UK Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy. The model sets out a framework to steer improvements to regulatory delivery, comprising three prerequisites for regulatory agencies to be able to operate effectively (Governance Frameworks, Accountability and Culture) and three practices for regulatory agencies to be able to deliver societal outcomes (Outcome Measurement, Risk-based Prioritisation and Intervention Choices). These elements are explored by an international group of experts in regulatory delivery reform, with case studies from around the world.

Regulatory Delivery is the first product of members of the International Network for Delivery of Regulation. The contributions are all very informative and relevant to the statute making of effective legal norms. Especially for environmental law, very interesting approaches can be found, with the participation of all stakeholders. However, such approaches have already proven successful in Germany for planning approval procedures. Any approach to improve legislative and lawmaking techniques should be welcome. This is especially true for models in which the addressees of the legal norms are actively involved in the law-making process, which is not a matter of course. Hodges shows this very clearly in the last chapter of the book.

The book contains very interesting approaches to improve the law-making mode.

Graham Russell is Chief Executive of the Office for Product Safety and Standards in the UK Government Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy. He is a Fellow of the Chartered Trading Standards Institute.

Christopher Hodges is Professor of Justice Systems and Supernumerary Fellow of Wolfson College, Oxford, and Head of the Swiss Re/CMS Research Programme on Civil Justice Systems at the Centre for Socio-Legal Studies, Oxford.

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