Bugg, Contracts in English, 4th. edition, 2020 – C.H.Beck/Helbing Lichtenhahn – DJOF Publishing
A review about:
Stuart G. Bugg
Contracts in English
an introductory guide to understanding, using and developing “Anglo – American” style contracts
4th. edition
Munich: C.H.Beck, 2020, 275 p., 89,00 € inkl. MwSt.
ISBN 978-3-406-74080-0
More and more contracts are drafted in English, relying on the principles of English Law one one hand or US – American Law on the other hand, which is not the same of course, but there are so called “crossed systems” and only because this, it is very important to make clear, which forum will be govern over such a contract. Most of the informations one can found here are concerning to the Sale of Goods as one of the main important models for contracts in english worldwide. The new edition has been completely revised to cover recent developments in the law and contract drafting.
Of course, the new edition deals with the heavy influences of BREXIT on contracts. The situation is difficult. Firstly, the EU regulations are no longer applicable in the UK. On the other hand the EU – directive law is part of the English law until further notice. Even more problematic is the relationship with scottish civil law. The legal situation is unclear and makes high demands on the drafting and revision of contracts. This volume makes a significant contribution to this difficult situation.
This book gives the reader a knowledge of the basic backgrounds about dealing with english contracts. To get closer to the contexts it is at first necessary to look at the system of common law in contrast to civil law systems in Europe. This very interesting book is intended to provide the reader with all informations needed both about Common Law and the specific language of common law contracts on the other hand. It is intended to be useful for all business people, negotiators, managers, lawyers and students of course, who have to deal with common law contracts, in which way ever.
The text in this book is augmented by a lot of examples of contract clauses, sample contracts, by U.K. and U.S. statutes and a Legal – English – German – Glossary and many other useful informations. In this book one can learn the basics how to develop a contract in english, based on common law influences from both sides of the atlantic ocean, mainly regarded to the sale of goods.
In this book there are the following subjects included: Differences between Common Law and Civil Law, Definitions of contracts, deeds, essential elements, contract formation, consideration, drafting and interpretation, legal english, language pitfalls, boilerplates, force majeure, penalties and damages, warranties, representations and guarantees. A lot of these informations are useful if one have to deal with contracts in other segments than the sale of goods (f.e.: Company Contracts).
The contracts are based on several cases from english jurisdiction or U.S. jurisdiction. There are some great differences between the use of the “contract – language” in England and Wales on one hand and in the U.S. on the other hand. The author of this book tries to provide something of a balance between those jurisdictions and he’s doing fine with that.
For example, the contract in Appendix III is more oriented on U.S. State laws, while other informations in the text are more suitable for England and Wales. It’s very useful that all cases used in this book are can be found in a “List of Cases”. Other interesting informations one can find filed under “Internet Resources”. Lot’s of very userful materials are included in the “Appendix”. Appendix II contains the texts of very relevant statutes as the “Sale of Goods Act 1979″, but it is very easy to research British Law online.
This very interesting book gives the reader all of the basic knowledge he needs about “Contracts in English”. A very fine and useful introductory for all interested readers!
Abstract in german:
Diese systematische Einführung stellt das anglo-amerikanische Vertragsrecht und das Vertragsrecht des Common Law Systems anhand von ausgewählten Beispielen aus der Vertragspraxis vor. Das Werk erläutert jeweils das rechtliche Konzept hinter den jeweiligen Fachbegriffen und liefert mögliche Formulierungsvorschläge. Das Werk ist in englischer Sprache verfasst und bietet die einschlägige Fachterminologie. Die Zusammenfassungen am Ende eines jeden Kapitels erleichtern den schnellen Einstieg in die Gestaltung englischsprachiger Verträge. Die Neuauflage wurde jetzt erneut um zahlreiche Vertragsmuster erweitert.
Der Inhalt im Überblick
- What is a »Contract«?
- Contract Formation
- Consideration
- Drafting and Interpretation
- Liability
- Jurisdiction and Applicable Law
- Cross System Contracts
- Problems with Translations
- Warranties and Guarantees
- Good Faith
- Precontractual Liability
Die Neuauflage wurde grundlegend aktualisiert und enthält die neuesten Entwicklungen im Bereich Contract Law und Boilerplates. Neue Musterverträge und Boilerplate-Beispiele:
- Law, Language und Jurisdiction
- Force Majeure
- Term, Termination
- Liquidated Damages
- Letter of Intent
- NDA/Confidentialty Agreement.
Das Buch stellt einer der besten Übersichten zum Einstieg in die britische Vertragspraxis dar!