Jungmann/Santoro, German GmbH Law. Das deutsche GmbH-Recht, 2. Auflage, 2020, C.H.Beck
Eine Rezension zu:
Carsten Jungmann/David Santoro
German GmbH Law. Das deutsche GmbH -Recht
A Guide to the German Company with Limited Liability
Including Bilingual Versions of the Relevant Statutes
2. Auflage
München: C.H.Beck, 2020, 185 S., 49,00 Euro inkl. MwSt.
ISBN 978-3-406-75036-6
This manageable handbook is aimed primarily at investors and offers a presentation of German GmbH law in English, although a good 40-page introduction to the law of the GmbH precedes the bilingual legal text. This introduction covers all aspects that are important at first glance, in particular the formation process, the organs of the GmbH, the duties of a managing director, shareholders‘ meetings and other important aspects, such as the rules on raising and maintaining capital. Within the framework of the EU, a German GmbH can in principle conduct business throughout the EU anyway.
The 2nd edition takes into account the new regulations on the list of shareholders (including the Shareholder List Ordinance) and the implementation of the fourth EU Money Laundering Directive. The practice-relevant insolvency law regulations on self-administration and the insolvency plan have also been included in the presentation.
A central part of the work is a bilingual version of the GmbH Act (German and English). In addition, there is a bilingual version of „GmbH-legal“ regulations, e.g. excerpts from the German Commercial Code (HGB), the German Insolvency Code (InsO) and the German Stock Corporation Act (AktG).
A German/English glossary of the most important institutes and terms of GmbH law as well as a German/English vocabulary list round off the work.
The book is extremely useful, especially in the run-up to the formation of a GmbH from an English-speaking foreign country.